
The Hours of the Passion


our Lord Jesus Christ


Considerations and affective reparations
Published by

Fr. Hannibal M. Di Francia

and preceded
by a Preface also written by Fr. Hannibal

Typography and Pontifical Bookstore
Andrea y Salv. Festa


Cover of the Book «Orologio della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo»,
first edition Published in 1915 by St. Fr. Hannibal Di Francia translated into English as
“The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”


What are
The Hours of the Passion
of Our Lord Jesus Christ?


At the age of 17, the Servant of God (SOG) Luisa Piccarreta wrote her first novena of preparation for Christmas with 9 hours of meditation. After finishing it, Our Lord invited her to meditate continuously on the last 24 hours that He suffered during the course of His Passion, beginning with the moment when He said good-bye to His Mother (that is, before instituting the Eucharist) and ending with the moment when Jesus was buried.

In every hour of His Passion, Our Lord invites us to accompany Him and bring him consolation with our love; this way, little by little as we enter into every scene, every word, every truth and every suffering, we will begin to understand just how great the Love of God has been for us and it will be impossible for us not to desire to love Him as much He deserves to be loved by us. This way, we will deepen our understanding not only of the External Passion that Jesus endured, also all his intimate sufferings, hidden to the eyes of the creatures, which are His Internal Passion.

Therefore, meditating on one Hours of the Passion means to be united to Jesus and to do everything that He did during every one of the scenes of His Passion. Means to be united to the prayers and reparations that Jesus offered interiorly to the Father while He was being scourging, crowned with thorns, crucified, etc., and for this purpose, we follow the book, “The 24 Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” In such a way that every time we read, meditate, and penetrate into every hour of the Passion, we must try to make Jesus’ prayers, intentions and reparations our own so that together with Him we can offer them to the Father for the salvation of souls and the benefit of all humankind.

After the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta had been living continuously the Hours of the Passion for over thirty years, Saint Hannibal Maria Di Francia, who had been appointed as the Ecclesiastical Censor for all her writings, commanded her under Holy Obedience to put them into writing. As a result we have this Book of Heaven. Seeing the wealth of its content and glimpsing all the good that they would do to our souls, Saint Hannibal printed the first four editions of this book in the years 1915, 1916, 1917 and 1924.

After the S.G. Luisa Piccarreta finished writing the original manuscript she sent it to St. Hannibal along with a letter. In this letter she speaks of the complacency that Jesus feels whenever we meditate on these Hours. She says, “as if Jesus heard His own voice and His prayers being reproduced in those reparations, just as the ones He raised to His Father during the 24 hours of His sorrowful Passion.” Also, Luisa included along with the manuscript and letter some additional notes in which she listed the effects and promises that Jesus makes to whoever meditates on these Hours of His Passion.


Read the Letter that the S.G. Luisa sent to Fr. Hannibal along with the Hours of the Passion…

Read the effects and promises of Our Lord that the SOG Luisa Piccarreta included in the manuscript of the Hours of the Passion…